Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Sounds like a fart



  1. There was a barber shop next to Tom's Place with a door that connected to the bar. While waiting for a haircut, you could enjoy a Blatz on tap for 25 cents. When it was your turn, the barber would come in and tap you on the shoulder. After the haircut, you could return to finish the beer and have a few more. Tom's Place is still there in Lemont, IL, however the barbershop is gone.

  2. Blatz is good, but I prefer Shotz.

  3. Blatz was our go-to beer as a legal 18 year old in Wisconsin before they switched it to 21. Didn’t know they still made it. 25 cent tap beers. You get buzzed for a dollar.

  4. The cheapest beer an 18 yr old could find in upstate NY!

    1. Jack Wehle, owner of Genesee Brewing, lived near Mumford NY. The one bar in town, Mickey's, had 25 cent Genny drafts all day every day. Walk in with two bucks, stumble out drunk.

  5. used to buy it by the returnable bottle case until i got a skunky one. went to weidemier then. 70's, good 'ol days.

  6. Yes cheapest but sometimes edged out by Piels…. But only one endowed the drinker with the Blatz Splatz!

  7. Blatz beer sold to Pabst in 1959 and is currently produced by the Miller Brewing Company of Milwaukee, under contract for Pabst Brewing Company.

    1. PBR bought Blatz to install its CEO, Jim Wyndham, as their CEO. He promised to grow PBR from #17 to the top 5.

      Several years later it was #4, after Schlitz, Budweiser & Coors. Hey used to judge our MBA Case Presentations in Tuscaloosa back in 75-76. Great guy, took us out to local bars and picked up the class's tab. Of course, PBR was the only brand we could drink.

    2. When driving thru Des Moines, it's hard for me to not stop at the High Life Lounge, with a sign shaped like a Miller High Life logo, for the poutine and a Miller High Life.

  8. My grandfather used to buy Blatz. As I recall it had a triangle on the label. He used to shake salt into it to give it a head.

  9. Have a couple of Blatz cone top beer cans laying around somewhere. Used to be able to buy it back in the late 70's close to the Wisconsin border at most stores. We started calling it Shatz because of the effect it had after a 6 pack or so. Good buzz though at 18 yrs old.

  10. In the '50s my mom used to drink our locally-brewed (Springfield, Illinois) Reisch beer, which cost 2-bottles-for-a-quarter. Anybody hear of that stuff?
