Thursday, May 30, 2024

Speaking of building fires, this is a worthwhile addition to anyone's library


Tales from the Klondike: A Treasury of Jack London's Best Short Stories 


  1. I love Jack London and all the books in there. I read everything I could find of his.

    For more than 60 years I had never even heard of the one book that was a commercial success in his lifetime. Burning Daylight is the very best of all his great books. I've read it half a dozen times in the past 10 years, listened to it another half dozen (free audiobook at

    Read it.

    1. Burning Daylight, eh? Looks like I have my next book to buy and read. Thanks!

  2. I've got a simiiar volume: it's a great collection.

  3. Just add the collected works of Robert W Service to that, and you'll be all set.
    My wife had never read "Call of the Wild" so we listened to it last week traveling into Wyoming.

  4. The modern Jack London is Gary Paulsen. Try: My Life in Dog Years

    *His fiction is for kids. All of it is readable, but a mixed-bag for adults. NF is great.
