Wednesday, May 29, 2024




  1. Back in my youth, I was scuba diving in Kaneohe Bay, HI, and came across a school of Amber Jack. Having a good time until, all of a sudden, they decided to get out of Dodge. Pucker factor really went up. Rumor had it the bay was the breeding ground for hammerheads. Dive partner and I laid low for a while, then we got out of Dodge, too.

    1. Gunny, I take it you were at K Bay. The dive club on base used a whale boat from the decommissioned USS O'Bannon. Painted yellow with red. One lung Buda engine.

      Dad was President of the Aku Marines 1969-1972. We used the boat a lot.

    2. We saw many hammerheads in the bay. Brother and me would chase after them in sailboats. Until dad found out.

      One of the first times I strapped on tanks, about 10 yrs old, dad and me were at the Slot at North Beach. We were about 60 feet on the bottom. I ran out of air so we buddy breathed. We couldn't ascend just yet because a Tiger was circling above us.

  2. Bait balls like this attract predators that swoop in for a bite.

    1. That is what I was thinking. Young lady, do you want to be in the center of the ball, when what made them ball up, swims through it?

  3. Which one is the alpha fish that commands all the others? LoL.
