Wednesday, May 31, 2023

I need to post this outside my workspace




1943 F+W C-3605 Schlepp Swiss Air Force target towing aircraft


A 57th Fighter Group mechanic works on the engine of a P-40F at an airfield in Tunisia, April 1943


Your friendly smile of the morning


Mean, but still funny


Nice as long as the water doesn't come up






Looks annoyed




Packed up and ready


A Jeep in its natural element




Fully Restored. What would it be worth?


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

No big boomers in that group


Wet landing, cold parking



Old Guy's Reaction Was Super Slow


The Classic Coleman Cooler




The Seagulls won't accept you into their club


Kinda feel like this fellow looks



Best seat in the house






Monday, May 29, 2023



Cute. Anyone have any experience with these?


Hard Teacher


Fun and Practical


Iced Cider Hits The Spot On A Warm Afternoon


Another local artisan business

Whoa! He really is.


Ex-Marine Daniel Penny is the spitting image of “The Dying Gaul,” one of the most famous statues from Hellenistic Antiquity. The Capitoline Museum has a Third Century B.C. marble copy found in the early 17th Century of a Fourth Century B.C. bronze original by Epigonus.

Night Rain at Narumi, Kuniyoshi (1798-1861)


That yelp of joy at the end....


Your Happy Smile of the Moring


Cleopatra appears to have coined the favorite term used frequently by Captain Picard.

 A single Greek word, ginesthoi, or "make it so," written at the bottom of a Ptolemaic papyrus may have been written by the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII herself, says Dutch papyrologist Peter van Minnen of the University of Groningen.

The papyrus text, recycled for use in the construction of a cartonnage mummy case found by a German expedition at Abusir in 1904, appears to be a royal ordinance granting tax exemption to one Publius Canidius, an associate of Mark Antony's who would command his land army during the Battle of Actium in 31 B.C. The text reads as follows:

We have granted to Publius Canidius and his heirs the annual exportation of 10,000 artabas [300 tons] of wheat and the annual importation of 5,000 Coan amphoras [ca. 34,500 gallons] of wine without anyone exacting anything in taxes from him or any other expense whatsoever. ... Let it be written to those to whom it may concern, so that knowing it they can act accordingly.
Make it so!

"Written in an upright hand by a court scribe, the document was meant to be an internal note from Cleopatra to a high official charged with notifying other high officials in Alexandria," says van Minnen. "The personal nature of the communication is evident in the lack of any formal introduction of Cleopatra herself (she is not even mentioned by name) and the absence of a title after the name of the official to whom it was addressed (the name cannot be read)." The manuscript is not one of the copies received by the other officials, as there is no forwarding note attached to it and because it was executed in multiple hands. The text of the ordinance was written first, Cleopatra's written approval second, and the date of the document's receipt in Alexandria third.

According to Lorelei Corcoran of the University of Memphis, such documents would have been both written and signed by a court scribe, but given the nature of this particular papyrus, Cleopatra herself would have been the only one who would have the authority to approve such edicts.  The document itself is on display at the Agyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung in Berlin.

Bourbon Taste Test This Weekend


Mrs. CW and I visited the oldest daughter.  My son in law likes his bourbon, so we had a taste test (the dog did not participate).

Multiple votes for Knob Creek, but the son in law preferred the Willet (far right), and he knows his bourbon.  Fun times.

Vittles is good




The Hideout


But could you keep it running?


One Oily Green Wave


Long Day is Over


Ernest goes into business


Portuguese Woman with Cattle