Thursday, May 25, 2023

White privilege is hard earned, but it is earned.



  1. i wonder what the world would have looked like without whites.

    1. Just do an image search for African Village

    2. White privilege is what stupid lazy asses wish they had.
      White privilege is a badge of pride - wear it well, you've earned it!

  2. I had to lookup Meucci. According to Wikipedia, you’re right. He invented the telephone (in principle) in 1856, had a working phone in his apartment in the 1860s, and submitted a patent in 1871, 5 years before Bell. But his patent was so poorly written it was ignored, and Bell reaped the profits and fame.

  3. You missed all the contributions from Mother Africa.

    1. Not really, where is Eli Whitney. Some will get it

  4. I'm uncertain about Heisenberg.

  5. Most of those dates are wrong, if they refer to the achievement. Bardeen (point contact transistor) was 1947; Feynman (quantum entanglement) was in the 60s. Etc. Maybe birth years, but why do that? And putting Ros Franklin with DNA is just wrong as a matter of record. She was a supporting tech, not one of the original thinkers. Should be Watson or Crick (who got the prize, and yes, the committee did consider and not award Franklin). But I suppose we gotta have the token female. Curie could be either Pierre or Marie; I'm sure the intent was Marie, but Pierre was at least an equal contributors. In other words: the entire list is, perhaps with one exception, white males. To no one's surprise.

    1. Franklin's x-ray crystallography images proved the helical structure. She died in 1958 and was not eligible for the Nobel because they don't do posthumous awards.

  6. Keep in mind that our number system (with a zero) came out of Africa with the crusades and replaced the Roman Numerals..

    1. The concept of ZERO came out of India historically.

      Dan Kurt

    2. What has come out of there lately? Disease, Christian slaughter, wars. How does that compare to the hundreds of thousands of white accomplishments?

    3. And hatred of white African farmers.

    4. Arabic numerals were actually "invented" in India. Essentially, the Muslims did the equivalent of stealing somebody else's homework and presenting it as their own.

  7. In the Netflix version of this, they are all black and from Wakanda.

  8. The Patriarchy, in one lesson.

    Franklin? Yeah, no. Watson & Crick.

    1. Watson and Crick theorized it, Ros Franklin proved it with some very well done crystallography.

    2. Looking at the rest of the poster, I didn't think standing on the shoulders of giants, rather than original effort, qualified one for inclusion.

      Feminism always needs a booster step, I suppose.

  9. Browning, Maxium, Colt, Stoner, Boxer, and Berdan

  10. F'n "A"!......What is wrong with you anon pussies....No balls I'm a thinking! You should be commenting on a Walt Dizzy or Muppet's blogs...

  11. Remove Einstein, Feynman, Schrodinger, Heisenberg and other such "-bergs" - they "feel" they're not white.
    And what they did is "on purpose" disguised religion, not science - to make people run away from the Truth.
    Nor DNA hypothesis, neither the quantum story - "ubiquity for everybody" - absurd and not-a-real possibility. And I studied in depth!
    What Darwin did was to confuse people presuming sort of monkey ancestors, not man created "good" from the beginning. Debunked.
