Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Nice as long as the water doesn't come up



  1. mo' 'squitos guaranteed

  2. There are people who build houses that close and are subsidized in doing so by taxpayer-supported federal flood insurance.

    1. Glad you took care of that.

    2. Whole towns were moved out of the Mississippi River flood plain.

  3. looks like the delaware river.

  4. Must have a vehicle nearby. That is a heavy canvas tent and some type of chest inside…

  5. Good place for bears. They like tents, too.

  6. 12 Year old master plan, Friday after school fishing trip. Best friend, 'appropriated' beer ( I left the money-won't tell you where I hid the beer all week), 'borrowed' Daiwa millionaire reel and loaded tackle box (my friend did not leave his old man a note) old canvas tent down by the Withlacoochee.

    Started raining as soon as we got there. We tied the beer to a rock to cool in the river and tried to build our tent.. which then took flight to parts unknown.

    We wrapped ourselves in garbage bags and hunkered by a tree on the bank by our gear. It was cold, wet, and miserable. We decided to run through the lightning storm and the blowing rain to broken down cabin we knew about.

    We found the cabin and like good scouts (well we sort of scouts) lit ourselves a fire in the old fireplace....without checking the flue! Smoke ran us back down by the river where we found his father's expensive tackle box heading rapidly down stream and a broken string where our beer used to be!

    Yeah, that trip was a bust. We shivered and groaned under our garbage backs and hit out for a phone to call my uncle as soon as dawn broke. Funny we never went camping again after that...hmm.

  7. I’ve done that when it has on the Buffalo River never saw four guys move so fast before they break
