Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Father's Day Idea



  1. Nice idea, but it'd be more meaningful as a gift if was made by the giver rather than purchased. IMO anyway.

  2. I could never be that organized, just don't seem normal.

  3. Great idea...but "handcrafted in Ukraine." No thanks.

  4. I have one and use it every night. The trick is to add one of those wireless charging pads to the phone rest so you don't have to fool with plugging in every night. Then I found an app which displays the time all night long, in a soft red light. I love it.

  5. Wouldn't work for me. I couldn't fit my 1963 rotary dial wall phone in it.

  6. No room for the EDC firearm?

  7. That is a good idea, but we have three indoor cats which would entertain themselves scattering the contents to limits of floor. Nice unit though.

  8. My brother builds a similar station, but its for your combat go to carbine or home defense weapon, has hooks to hold a combat rig or battle belt, hangs on the wall, pretty nifty idea, like being a better minute man, your rifle and ammo always east to get at. He makes one thats like a skinny closet, latch on top, little kid proof that way, not so obvious out in the open. Made them for everyone in the family and friends. I really appreciate mine, excellent idea.

    1. Thanks for the description. I sure would love to see a photo of that.
