Wednesday, May 29, 2024

All very familiar to me



  1. Now known as: The good Ole days.

  2. ...or banged on the side of the TV tuner location to improve picture quality or attached tin foil to the rabbit ears antenna to pull in that one weak signal.


  3. From time to time I really miss the phone book, phone books generally had what you wanted IN YOUR AREA, not so when you pretend the internet is the phone book.

    1. 2 phone books stacked together also served as a kid's booster seat at the table. Also a handy weight when glueing things together. All sorts of uses.

  4. ...and what about those of us who had to contend with a "party line" and going through the operator to place a long-distance call after 7 PM?

  5. My S-10 pickup I only got rid of a few years ago still had cranks. My son and I are into LP's as we speak. They sound better (sometimes). I use Googlemaps. I don't have GPS and need to see the picture to understand where I'm going. I admit I don't use phonebooks anymore, but it's been since we've been here since '11 that they stopped sending them. I have some ham radio equipment with those controls.

  6. I wish we'd stop getting so many phone books. We get 2 or 3 every 3 months and it's just for advertising anyway.

  7. I can't understand the tech of today.

  8. Technology can make things so much easier that it's scary how people react when there's any kind of breakdown in the grids. I do have a turntable/old LPs and a 2002 Silverado with roll up windows and 325,000 miles. Got to say, that's my comfort zone.

  9. Don't forget the library card catalog. finding a book in the public library required a bit of detective seeking work.

    My 1st truck had crank windows, complete with front 'vent windows' which were quite useful.
