Tuesday, May 28, 2024

1994 doesn't seem that long ago to me.



  1. My older daughter was born in 1994. She’s now a Dentist making more money than I ever did, and I have to call her “Doctor”. Lot of water under that bridge.

    1. Same here. My son is now a veterinarian. First year starting pay more than I’ve managed to make my whole career.

  2. That's how I feel too.

    Until I found out that most of the people I work with now weren't even born in 1994.
    Fecking toddlers.

  3. Arnold "Screw Your Freedom" Schwarzenegger. What a loser.
    How dare he stand so close to Jamie Lee without a mask on. What a schmuck.

    1. He lost my consideration and respect over that. Actors should not speak about things they have absolutely no basis for knowing or understanding. Screw your freedom, Arnold. Not mine.

  4. Neither he nor she are worth our attention as they are freedom hating turds. Don't be a turd.
    30 years may well kill you.

  5. Well, those two are certainly a little bit better than "Hanoi" Jane Fonda and "Hanoi" John Kerry. F*ckin' cock bite azz wipes.

  6. Not worth watching their movies anymore, should have kept mouth shut about politics, as for Arnie, well was married to a democrat while Gov'ner and all I will state is this, pwhip'd big time.

  7. 2 freaking liberal assholes.

  8. The last 20 years have been hard on Jamie Lee.

  9. Jamie Lee also had some shocking pictures on her wall that she tried to explain away. Real disturbing shit with kids.

  10. Both are bat shit liberal crazies. May they soon depart for Valhalla on a raft of shit. Legio XIX

  11. I only come to the comments on these because I don't watch video nor did I recognize any of these celebrities. So I figure out who they are. And I like a bunch of the comments about them, thanks all.

  12. True Lies has finally been re-released in 4k HD, it was only available in 480p DVD before that, if you could find it at all.

  13. You don't have to like her politics, but you do have to admit that for a moment in time, she did have the most fantastic set of breasts ever seen in a movie. The rest of her wasn't bad, either.

  14. I am a retired airline pilot and I once had Jamie Lee Curtis on one of my flights. She couldn't have been nicer.

    On arriving home that evening, I mentioned this to Mrs. azlib and Daughter#2. At the time it wasn't well known that she was bat-shit crazy, so in the late 2000's, when a middle-aged man thought of Jamie Lee Curtis, he thought of that stripping scene in True Lies. She was remarkably well-kept.

    However, those weren't the first things that occurred to my wife and daughter. When they thought of JLC, they first thought of those keeps-your-digestion-regular yogurt commercials she used to do.

    Today though, she's a rabidly unapologetic mother of a very mixed up son-who-thinks-he's-a-woman.


  15. Limited perspective meme review: A Ruger P-89???? 🤣


  16. Fuck both of them. She drove her kid insane with transgender BS, and he mocked people refusing to submit to Covid restrictions.

  17. Two representatives of Sodom and Gomorrah

  18. The best part of True Lies was Tia Carrere.

  19. I thought she was pretty sexy in A Fish called Wanda.
