Monday, May 20, 2024

Feeding the Stock



  1. That young lady is way to nicely dressed to be feeing the livestock. IMHO this may be simply staged for the photo.

  2. Got her hat on right anyway.

  3. Jeans, shirt, bandana, shit, I fed stock dressed exactly the same. But I damn sure wasn't as purty as she is! And that hat's on exactly right, and I'd love to be taking it off her...

    1. Gregg: I be willing to put some money on the fact that back then you were not as well-groomed (clean) as this lovely young lady.

  4. Feeding the stock or stacking the feed?

  5. Reminds me of when our little girl was about 5 years old. She got up early while it was still dark outside, and waited for me in the kitchen so she could help feed the stock. We’d stack the hay in the back of the truck and when we got to the pasture, I’d put it in granny gear and she’d drive while I peeled the chunks of hay off the bales and dropped them on the ground behind. She’s 33 now, and I have a three year old granddaughter taking her place. Life is good. Every day is good - just same days are better!

    1. What a great legacy story! Thanks for sharing!!!

    2. You're welcome. Brings a tear to my heart just thinking about it.

  6. Now thats what I call a great bedwarmer on those cold winter nights.
