Thursday, May 16, 2024

Chronology of a twister



  1. I remember seeing a scene like that as a kid in the 1950s driving across Texas; it was a little farther away but the sky was the same yellow color.

  2. Stills hardly do it justice.

    For anyone who cares, the Ansel Admas/Ridley Scott/Steven Spielberg and reigning champion of time-lapse storm video is still Mike Olbinski, an AZ local TV cameraman who chases storms every spring and fall from his home in AZ to SD and everywhere in between. I first saw his work when Peter at BRM linked to one of his videos years back.

    He's currently on the road shooting this year's effort.
    Last fall's 2023 offering was Vorticity 5:

    His magnum opus, hands down, is still Pursuit, from 2018:

    Three tips if you haven't seen them before, and decide to click over to any or all his work:
    1) Fullscreen. If you have a 70" monitor, use it. You won't be disappointed.
    2) Audio: Like Nigel's amp in Spinal Tap, set yours on 11.
    3) If you can watch this in 4K quality, on a 4K screen, do it.

    You will learn more about storm dynamics, formation, and progression in 15 minutes of his time lapses than you'd get in a year of college meteorology.
    He has a ton of festival awards, and why he doesn't have a wall covered with actual Oscars for best short subject, cinematography, editing, and music is a wonder for the ages.

    Somebody from IMAX should just hire him for life, and start throwing money at him. Forget the CGI of Twister.
    Go watch the real thing.

    You will have a new appreciation for your place in the universe.
    I've never met the guy.
    But he's one helluva great content creator.
