Sunday, May 12, 2024

You're sleeping out under the stars tonight



  1. The source of many UFO sightings.

  2. Guy runs like he’s got a corn cob up his tailpipe…

    1. He has calves like he hikes a lot, but he moves dynamically like he’s not sure the earth will actually stay in place. Not much dynamic movement ability, in other words.

    2. He looks like he's moving downhill toward the edge of a cliff, like he's trying not to get out of control because he needs to stop very soon.

  3. Sitting in the local deli one day. and one of those came floating out of a side street.
    It happened to land right in the middle of a busy highway where it was immediately run over by a log truck.

  4. Missed out on the ride of a life time.

  5. think he had too much beer. must be an alky because he did not knock it over

  6. There is a very valid reason that the manufacturers of light weight tents recommend using weights or long tent pegs to prevent this sort of unfortunate accident.

  7. Peg the tent down FIRST!

  8. Had this happen to us in Eastern Washington State. While my lady friend and I were seated at the picnic table imbibing a cold beer our tent, which looked surprisingly similar to that one, took flight. Before we could move four stout lads leapt into action, chased down it down and returned it with large smiles on their faces.
