Friday, May 10, 2024

Videographer captures dramatic moment a rock and snow wall collapses


  1. From the YouTube page: "...but it is evident climate change is causing glaciers to recede at an unprecedented rate."

    1. Busted! For the propaganda brainwashing that it is. Good job.

  2. Amazing how solid materials flow like fluids when they get some air entrained in them. Same thing with volcanoes and pyroclastic flows.

    And: Never before in history have active mountain ranges had avalanches, never before have glaciers moved, Global Warming is killing us - and yet, he comments that the snow line has moved down. Why has the snow line moved down? Why did Glacier National Park take down the signs stating that the glacier in front of them would be gone by 2030 or something? Because now, the glacier has grown even closer, that's why.

  3. That danged gravity again. Let's tax it, that will end it.

  4. Gravity+mass+inertia=wow, look out!

  5. Climate change yes, it always does change, but this is within context of these actual very long cycles of over and over...

  6. Could have just as well gone exactly as this a million years ago

  7. The Appalachians used to be taller than the Rockies. But then SUVs were invented, and they were ground down to their current size in mere months due to Globull Warning.

  8. Actually, he misses most of it, concentrating on the early boulders downhill, when the main event happens out of camera view.
    Rookie. :P
