Sunday, May 19, 2024

Tune In



  1. Great reviews from those who know what they're lookin for. $30 is a good gamble for those unsure (me). I can't believe the prices I see for headsets.

  2. I prefer these. Earbuds make me feel like an altar-boy.

  3. I’m on my second set. The first lasted me about 5 years. I use them for an hour or two per day. I really enjoy mine. I’m sure the higher end ones sound better, but I can’t imagine they sound $150 better.

  4. I like the ones I got! The Price was right!! Sounds good and I can take them off without losing ear hair!

  5. I have a pair. Great sound quality and easy to turn on and off. They are also comfortable. A full charge lasts 40 hours.
