Saturday, May 11, 2024

Those are some bouncy tires



  1. So they can land in "unfriendly" places...AND take off, that's kinda important.

  2. They’re pretty spendy too

    1. Far as aerospace materials are concerned, you got the means and skills, find a good engine from some poor slob who has abandoned his plane at a local VFR field, you can do a home built quite easily, and you don't need a pilots license of reg, just paint experimental on it.
      Chrome moly frames if your a half way decent welder are great set ups and with plans its a reasonable amount of hand-craft work. Just every paycheck buy some supplies, material etc, that way its mostly out of pocket expenses. Getting a ppwer plant cheap is the key. Or go with a VW aircooled conversion option.

  3. Amazing STOAL capabilities. Those tires, chrome moly tube frames, fuel sipping engine, and parasol wing, true get out of Dodge-go just about any place you got 59-100 yards of reasonably flat surface, transportation. Have a couple rifles, some essential basic camp gear, maybe a good woman knows her shit, lot of back country in some places a man can hold up quite nicely with a bit of proper prep, elbow grease and critical tools.
