Friday, May 24, 2024




  1. Looks Devils Tower-ish…

  2. Anyone who does this insanity has to be on crack!!!

  3. Looks a lot like Devils Postpile, except most of those columns are hexagonal. Boy, is that place strange. Beautiful, but strange.

  4. I would never, ever do that. However, for the expert climbers, there's a lot to hold onto there. Much more than they often have.

  5. Really cool looking formation. Looking at that reminds me of whats in Maine and NH. Had to be one wild era on earth created these unique volcanic formations. Most of northern NewEngland is covered with glacial overlay, but you can see many awesome exposed granite formations. Like monstrous granite splits, monoliths that are awe inspiring. Most are tucked away in the forrest away from normal traffic but if you hike around you see them. There is a rift goes from top eastern corner of NH south east to Kenny Bunk Port, along it is found all sorts of mineral and gemstone formations. Many mica and beryllium mines, strategic metals where mined there at one time for both world war efforts, beryllium crystals longer and larger than the biggest telephone poles. Some excellent gem tourmaline, aquamarine, topaz even sapphire, and Mount Appetite is the location of a large part of the worlds finest gem and mineral museum exhibits. A geologist I knew when we where kids took us on hikes and taught about what formed things we went to see. He mentioned about how this area is one of the richest mineralogical spots on earth, but how its covered over with what the glaciation left as the receded. Lot of people find gold and fine gems, rarely large finds, once and a while are opened up thru hard rock mining where volcanic vents shot up mineral rich granite, or lepidolite formations with beautiful lavender and pink colors. Some spots there are large crystals of pseudomorph tourmaline, beryls and garnet, exposed by weathering and water erosion. Some streams you can pan and find river rolled gems crystals, placer gold too. Or small veins of gold formed in white quartz if you know how to locate them. Very beautiful things.
