Thursday, May 2, 2024

Buzz Aldrin



  1. His initials really do stand for Bad Ass. My hero.

  2. Moon landing was fake.

    1. Affirm. Brought to you by the same production company that's keeping the legends of flying saucers alive. The CIA.

  3. Good guy, but phony moon lander.

    1. This is an encouraging sign at DTW... a majority of commentators agreeing the moon landings were faked. I believed it for about 30 years until I got a computer and began reading the opinions of real scientists.

  4. Be careful. One guy who got up close and personal with Buzz about the moon landings being faked got a Buzz fist to his face.

    1. The dude Buzz punched is Bart Sibrel. I read his book titled "Moon Man" and Bart delivered an in depth analysis of the fakery. Buzz is a deeply conflicted alcoholic mess. He knows it never happened but he can't give up the invitations for paid speaking engagements. It's paying the rent. Bart Sibrel lives rent-free in Buzz's head.

    2. Neil A backwards spells Alien.

  5. Yeah, totally fake.
    The hardest part is getting lasers aimed at the lunar laser reflectors - all six of them, one set up at each landing site - to synch up and deliver identical results every time someone points one at the moon, and then getting 100,000 astronomers in nearly every country on the planet to keep the secret for the last 55 years, along with every country with radar, including the Soviet Union, and every HAM operator who pointed directional antennas at the moon at the time during the missions. /sarc

    Bad enough to fall for total baloney revisionism.
    But total baloney spawned from a one-★ rated piece of certified sci-fi schlock from 1977 is truly embarrassing.

    Don't quit your day jobs.

    1. How many hundreds of thousands of people kept cloud seeding planes a secret for decades, and now they're telling us they did it in secret for decades. Yes, that many people are capable of keeping their mouths shut.

      What do astronomers have to do with the moon landing? According to NASA, there isnt a telescope on earth strong enough to see the landing site. Lasers? What lasers? They couldnt fake the readings like the East Anglia Institute faked the climate data?

    2. where's the telemetry data?

  6. Here's a country western tune to help dispel your belief this moon thang ever happened....
