Monday, May 20, 2024

Arizona Night Sky



  1. Get a night sky like that in WV, live up near Greenbank, minimal light pollution, its pretty spectacular, see a lot of satellites go over. Some reason ain't caught site of the international space station for a few years. See SpaceX sats, when they first open up their solar panels, really spooky looking too, they cross the whole horizon lined up, about as bright a cekestial even also. First couple times it freak the effin' crap out of me, i didn't know what to think. Pretty cool sight, they look like they are really cooking along, what 90 minutes per orbit around the earth?

    1. As a kid my siblings and I would play hide n seek on moonless nights, it would be so dark you couldn't see your hand right in front of your face. Nowadays you have to be way out in the boonies for it to get that dark.

  2. Laying in the cool grass at night in eastern AZ at 9000’ I’ve watched what must’ve been a hundred satellites traverse the sky on a cool summer dark sky.
