Wednesday, July 3, 2024

White Death



  1. Three polar bears at your windows? Those better be really secure windows. They're all looking for a quick, easy snack.

  2. Be funny if that happened while the realtor was showing the property...
    "No I don't know what happened to the last tenant".

  3. The binoculars won't be needed for wildlife viewing.

  4. It is best to remember that polar bears live in a constant state of hyperphagia. Eating and looking for something to eat is literally the only thing they are capable of thinking about. I once knew a guy who went on a legal guided polar bear hunt and the guide told him "you get one shot, if he's not down I start shooting".

  5. Keep that window closed Bob !!!

  6. Now you know what your pizza rolls see when they’re in the microwave…

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  8. "Umm ... the din dinz look SCRUMPTIOUS today !

  9. Honey… where is the 300 Win Mag ammo?

  10. Looks like it may be the common room in the Waldo Arms hotel in Kaktovik, AK. Went up there a few years ago to fix an airplane…there were guys with 300 WinMags at each wingtip to keep the polar bears off us mechanics. The town had just finished up butchering a whale and tgere were several bears on the carcass at the end of the runway.

  11. If those windows aren't bullet-resistant, that's not a cabin, it's a bear buffet with display windows.

  12. Hi Mrs Bennington, can Timmy come out and play?

  13. "Hello, Sir, We'd like to speak to you about your car's extended warranty."
