Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Big shiny rockets



  1. That has to be down in Texas.... let's see how long a drive it that....

  2. Giant metal taxpayer-funded dildoes.

  3. Dear Anonymous: These are private company builds, except for the Russians, the only way to get our astronauts back and forth to the space station. Thank you Elon.

  4. The Rocketman get things done!

  5. Not quite JW, those are Starship upper stages. Not yet man rated. Crew Dragon on the Falcon 9 booster is smaller and the one you're thinking of.

  6. When I think of the word "Starliner" that picture is what comes to mind. Not that over grown gumdrop that NASA and Boeing have taken 16 years to design, build and obviously not tested well enough, leaving it's first crew stranded in space for 50 days and counting. Good thing there's an orbiting life raft 130 miles in space.

    Lemme just take a wild ass guess and say "another o-ring failure" because the engineers didn't take into account the coldness of space or what happens to compressed helium and its containment when it expands after the pressure is released and the shrinkage of rubber in extreme cold. We've NEVER heard that one before have we? No? Ask Thiokol how that works.

