Wednesday, July 31, 2024




  1. Any idea where in Norway this place is? (And no, I don't want to make $13K spamming nice blogs!)

    1. It was labeled as Lofoten, but that's just the internet. Might be, might not be.

    2. Yes, it is Lofoten. More specifically, the Nusfjord fishing village. Nusfjord is one of the best preserved fishing villages in Norway, with an excellent position close to the fishing area where the Northeast Arctic cod migrates from the Barents Sea to the northern Norwegian coast to spawn. Nusfjord is still an active fishing village, and most of the surrounding old “work” buildings are well preserved, dating back from around 1870 to 1905.

      Tod, The Norseman

  2. Looks like low tide, or close to it.

  3. Happy in Wintertime

  4. It sort of does. It helps to know that this is not a village as such. This is a fishing village that one family typically owned. Then in winter the cod would, and still do, migrate to the Lofoten islands, and lots of people would come up north to make some money fishing cod. The fishermen sold the catch to the owners who would led or sell the stuff needed to catch fish. The cod would be dryed on huge racks set up all long the rocks.

    White are the houses of the owners, and or offices.
    The fishermen would be small time farmers in summer and fish in winter. They would live in the red houses.
    All the yellow buldings are comercial. So storing the dried fish, making cod liver oil etc. happend there.

    In the old days all log buildings were tared, thats painted with tar. Then people that could not afford to buld their houses from bricks painted the houses «brick colour». Fist yellow bricks before cheaper red brick took over.
    White paint was developed quite late and was very expensive for a long time. So the most important people and acctivities got the white paint. As ned colours became avalable the old was assosiated with lower prestige.

    Its a intersting place to visit for sure.

  5. Sailing Uma's vidblog did a long stint in Norway. Great sailing adventures in a 50 year old Pearson 36.
