Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Bad News



  1. Looks like another boat out of sight and leaving a wake on the right of the picture pulling a phony shark.

    1. Do you really think so? You mean it's not real? Son of Jaws (Jaws2)

  2. movie set clip. My guess too.geesus.

  3. I hate being pedantic but that looks like an orca fin not a shark. I also hate being right all the time but there you are.

  4. Is she waterskiing or are they trolling for sharks?

  5. Looks like scene from Jaws 2.

  6. Doesn't anyone see in the lower left side of the clip, "scarymovies101"?

  7. When you enter the water, you enter the food chain.

  8. Reminds me when I was a coastie doing a patrol on the inner coastal. We would put put down one direction for 3 hours waving at all the boaters, water sports, and swimmers, have lunch, then put put back to base waving at all the boaters, water sports, and swimmers. One time another while looking at another crewmate telling a particularly boring story I was a fin behind his head following the boat much in the same manner then glide slowly back into the water. Much, much smaller, but still makes you wonder what hides in the water. And if all the people in water knew….

    To top it off this was brackish bay waters, usually not shark waters, but they do tend to tolerate when following prey.
