Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Gila Monster. I hear they taste like chicken.



  1. LOL, NO... you can’t eat them, plus they are very territorial and one bite will send you to the ER. They are mean...down right MEAN..avoid at all costs. Kind of the way we Americans should be to the swamp creatures of DC!!

  2. I remember when I was a young kid and my mom took us kids from Los Angeles to visit our grandparents who lived in Tucson. Both sets of Grandparents were from AZ. My Dad's parents lived on a dirt road just outside the city and when my mom drove to there was a huge Gila Monster across the road and my mom when into a panic. She did a quick u-turn in a station wagon and flew down the road as fast as she could. The Gila Monster was the width of the car and I never saw my mom panic like that.

  3. Yeah, dead chicken three days in the open air!

  4. I avoid gila monsters and alligator lizards as much as I avoid petting box turtles.

    1. Whatcha got against Box turtles? I've kept ,raised & breed them for 50yrs & have had no problems. Wash your hands ya filthy beast.

  5. Slow and harmless - just keep your fingers to yourself. Love eggs, not that I know anyone who ever accidently dropped one nearby. Common in my neighborhood, along with rattlesnakes, scorpions, tarantula, kissing bugs, jumping cactus, paddle cactus with near-invisible thorns, etc. It is horrible out here - go back to CA or wherever....

  6. "The Gila Monster was the width of the car..." Old Tonka truck maybe - or you need to stay out of the peyote bushes.

  7. No, they taste more like 'I wish'd I'da never done something that stupid'.

  8. 1966. We were sitting around the table in the teacher’s lounge after school. In comes George with a box with holes punched in. He opened it and dumped a Gila monster on the table. A fellow collector sent it to him. He wanted us to admire the colors. One of us asked, hey, aren’t those things poisonous? George said yeah but they have to chew a bit and they aren’t aggressive. See? And he poked it with his finger 6 or 7 times. All it did was blink.

  9. Colors like that out in nature just scream POISON

  10. I hear they need a good leavin' alone!

  11. Detained one in northern Arizona once. They feel like a seed pearl purse.
