Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Quadruple Power



  1. The A-10 is the one that I would want to come save me.

    1. My thought as well!

    2. Not me, I'd ask for a G550. Wouldn't be anywhere near that splody crap.

    3. I fully agree with regard to the A-10 Warthog.

      And for all the years that it's been in service, the US Air Farce has never allowed the other services to obtain it. And even if it cannot take off from a US Navy aircraft carrier, it certainly could have backed up the US Marines...especially with a Jarhead "fast mover" driver at the controls.

    4. I thot the AirForce called it a Thunderbolt, and the Army called theirs a Warthog?

    5. The "Thunderbolt" was the WW-2 propeller driven P-47.

    6. The A-10's official name is Thunderbolt II. That's not very imaginative nor fun. So, Warthog stuck.

    7. The Marines would take them all tomorrow, as-is, after adding the obligatory nose-end bayonet mount.

      And if you think they wouldn't mount bayonets on them for combat, you have another think coming.

      They'd also be flying them for the next 50 years, even if they had to 3D print replacement parts, and draft guys in their 60s to teach maintenance.

  2. Warthog for the win!

  3. Warthog can only survive in a 100% air superiority environment. I love it too, but it's highest and best service today would be patrolling the southern border and permenantly ending the invasion of our country. It would literally stop in one day.

  4. That Hawg is at max, the other 3 are at idle. Odd paint job on it. I worked gray ones before they became green ones before they went back to gray…

    1. Me too, Bentwaters, 78-80

    2. LOL I was there from 82-86, Det 1 from 89-91 & BW again 91- till we closed it in 93. Great times.

  5. You can hang every variation of under wing armament the US has under those wings. My favorite sound in Afghanistan was those twin GE turbo-fans. I witnessed 2 A-10's destroy everything outside the OP's walls in the valley.

  6. Absent, the POS F-35. Junk them and go inexpensive with high production. Rooskies do military hardware the right way.

    1. Yes, the Piece of Crap F-35 as well as the "Osprey."

      Two multi-trillion-dollar federal government boondoggles.

    2. There are those within the AF 'fighter mafia' that would have you believe that the F-35 can perform all the roles of the 16, 18, 22 and Hog.
      They're lying to themselves, however.

    3. Any bets that those Air Farce "mafia" dudes who are lying have had their personal bank accounts enhanced to the point that they will say anything to anyone.

  7. Fearless Fker is from my old base, can't tell which squadron though.

  8. Tail codes
    SW - Shaw AFB SC, 20th Fighter Wing
    FF - First Fighter, Langley AFB VA, 1st Fighter Wing
    SJ - Seymore Johnson AFB, NC, 4th Fighter Wing
    DM - Davis Monthan AFB AZ, 355th Wing
    ~ Doctor Weasel

  9. Photo doesn’t add up for me. It appears to be photoshopped. Only place it shows up with screwgle lens is some obscure Fakebook page in Japan.

  10. 2 A-10's flew over my house on tuesday. Never before. Something is about to happen?
