Monday, July 22, 2024

The Classic



  1. Replies
    1. With KS-87 oblique and KS 116 panoramic cameras. Could also have a KA-56 horizon-to-horizon panoramic camera.

  2. Making a trap in a Phantom in full burner has got to be at the top of the bucket list.

    Marines flew it better.

    1. If you're in full burner, you're not going to be making any traps.

  3. The middle linbacker of fighters.

  4. Brings back memories of my last hours spent in Viet Nam. Left my ship (USS Park County LST 1077) and traveled to the Danang Airport for the start of my journey to Great Lakes for separation to civilian life. It was Thanksgiving Day and I recall waiting for my plane's departure, eating hotdogs (with mustard and ketchup) for my Thanksgiving dinner, and watching and listening to the F4s taking off in pairs with afterburners for God knows where. I was indeed very thankful to be coming home!

  5. Proof you can get a brick to fly if you have enough thrust.

  6. needs a ALQ-87 or a ALQ-71 ECM pod...

  7. I was Crew Chief on 68-600, "GANDALF" The Original TEREC Bird, at Sunny Zweibruken AFB Germany, 1980-81. Sure was happy when in March of 81 NATO got their own AWACs Bird. It flew right over top of us during launch checks in front of the TabV, and announced over the radio that it was on station. Lech Walsea was doing his thing in Poland, and we were monitoring the East Germans deployments. Our workload dropped down to 10-12 hour days, instead of the 12-16 hour days. We were able to go enjoy beers and brats after work. Good Times.
