Thursday, July 18, 2024

That's a problem, but so is the fact that the market for your produce just vaporized.



  1. I'd like to hear the worthless government's "solution" to that problem. And what do you do when your own government is going out of its way to provoke WW3?

  2. I really don't want to be a survivor of a nuclear war. I'd prefer to be standing at ground zero.

  3. Far more people will succumb to fallout than to the actual explosions in a nuclear war. And widespread fallout will seed farming soil with radioactive cesium that will be taken up by plants or ingested by farm animals which will introduce it into our food. This radioactive Cesium will cause widespread cancers, birth defects and death. And it will take more than two centuries for the Cesium to decay away. Other isotopes, while less prevalent will have a MUCH longer half life and persist for millennia.

  4. Pull up the map of all the food producers, chicken farms, food warehouses, etc that have been destroyed since oBiden took office.

  5. Always thought it was unwise to site Missile Silos in the middle of the most productive Farmland in the country
