Saturday, July 13, 2024

Some years back I captured a wild sourdough yeast, named it Doug, and fed it once a week on Saturday mornings. Made decent bread. This would certainly be easier.


Found this from 2011, a shepherd's bread made with Doug the Wild Yeast

Among other things, Sundays are good for bread making, because you have most of the day to shepherd the bread all the way through the process without serious interruption.   Today, I tried a variation of the loaf I usually make by adding a bit more sugar and a package of dried cranberries in the hopes of ending up with a sweet, dessert like result.  

Total success, to my amazement. I was afraid the astringent cranberries might kill off the yeast, but I shouldn't have worried.  

1 comment:

  1. PS - once upon a time, pre-Covid, people would sell you a dried bit of starter for a dollar or two, to cover postage. If you know anyone who does sourdough they will gladly give you some free. There is always too much starter. Always.

    Drew 458
