Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Shasta Snow Report

             Below, Trinity Chutes and the Red Bank at the top of

Avalanche Gulch.  How many people can you count in this photo?

Camp 50/50 from Helen Lake.

View from the top of Short Hill

Summit Plateau with the top of Misery Hill in the background

Funky snow at the base of Misery Hill


  1. Very nice pix, thanks....

  2. Not counting the guy in the orange Dodge at the top, I count four. There are three standing and in the middle of the triangle they form, there's a fourth guy that they've buried neck-deep; he's wearing a beret. Incidentally, the guy at the bottom is "writing" something in the snow...t...f...h....n? Can't make it out.

    1. You missed the 124 people buried in the snow
