Thursday, July 25, 2024

Russian Oligarch?



  1. Sorry, but I just gotta ask ... is that real or some sort of "artistic concept?" Deck chairs along the starboard side. A potted palm, more deck chairs in the stern area... Has to be really big.

    1. I would normally say not real, but then I've been surprised by some of the very real boats that the super rich have commissioned. Let's just say that I hope it is real (Bezos could afford that).

  2. No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.

  3. If the yacht is real, why have a low budget helicopter?

    1. There are no low budget helicopters and that one is not towards the bottom of what there is..

    2. That looks like a Bell 206, Rob, which is near the middle of the financial ladder, there are more expensive airframes on the open market.

  4. Looks like something the supervillain in a James Bond movie would sail. The chopper should have the ability to be broken down for storage during rough seas/weather.

  5. First yacht I've ever seen without a Captain's bridge. LOL. Control the boat with a joy stick in a lounge chair?

  6. Concept rendering.

    Designer Timur Bozca’s Black Swan superyacht.

    More at:

    1. Wow! Go to the home page on that link - there's lots of expensive eye-candy there.

  7. If it doesn't belong to an Russian oligarch yet just wait a few months. As soon as DJT becomes president Russian oligarchs will be celebrating and buying yachts again.

    1. Your TDS is showing. Russia! Russia! Russia!

    2. A number of Russian oligarch yachts have already been confiscated by EU/US-allied nations. Yet no article saying whom bought said yachts or has possession of them now. Reminds me of an antecdotal story of when the Soviets took over Russia, the wife of the officer who took the tsar's yacht proclaimed it hers in the name of the people.

    3. Unclezip, let me give you an detailed list of Russia's allies in the war against Ukraine: Iran, China, North Korea and the MAGA wing of the Republican party.

      Your god-king will be in great company when he meets his allies.

      Remember when you were for freedom? Now you are for tyrants that just want to take people's freedoms away.

    4. Oh, man! Doubling down on the stupid are we? Ukraine is not our friend. The Biden's friends, yes. Can't even leave a pseudonym? What a complete ass!

    5. Seems like it was Old Joe that was firing up the printing press so Mrs. Z could buy a nice vehicle to get groceries with. Oops, did I miss speak?
