Saturday, July 13, 2024

Rambler! I knew a guy who drover the family Rambler into the 90's. He called it "The Blur."



  1. My uncle had a Rambler station wagon. It could tow a small trailer that was directly attached to the rear bumper via a pair of “up-and-down” hinges. Under the trailer was a single pneumatic tire on a sprung, swiveling bogey. It was interesting to see the rig go over bumps and through turns.

    1. I remember those, seemed like a simple solution to carry more.

  2. My high school girlfriend's dad gave her a Rambler American for her sixteenth birthday. Of course, whenever someone got a new car (or a new old car) we all looked under the hood. If I remember correctly, the exhaust manifold looked like a piece of electrical conduit bolted to the head. I had a '50 Studebaker at the time which was more like a real car. I'm pretty old and could this could just be a false memory.

  3. We had two of them, both 1961 models with in-line 6-cylinder engine; one with 3 on the column, and one with a push-button transmission, which ultimately became a parts donor for the 3-on-the- column wagon that was my original driver, starting at 15. Front seats would fully recline, it had a hole rusted out in the floorboard behind the driver's seat, handy for teenagers discarding empty beer cans. Muffler had a big hole rusted in it - if you could get up to 80mph on a straghtaway then let off the gas, it would backfire like a 12 ga. shotgun. Good times for a redneck kid.
