Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Power Projection



  1. not now like ever before. Houthi's showing this for the last eight months. We cant do shit. Yesterday Houthis stated they will go after our aircraft carriers in the Red Sea. Over the weekend news leaked Putin "asked" permission from Saudis to arm them as a full proxy with antiballistic ship missiles. Maybe we can land with the woke 69th intersectional dildo brigade (attribute Aesop) and really show them.

  2. Looks like the last little tin can is late to the party... come on, get on station!

  3. These are the cans whoop ass comes in.

    As for the Houthis, you don't solve land problems with ships.
    You carpet-bomb them, then land troops and mop up.
    Since ever.
    It's not a problem for $1M missiles.
    It's a problem for $500 bombs and 50¢ bullets.
    You do to them what Rome did to Carthage in the Third Punic War.
    Which is why there wasn't a Fourth Punic War.

    1. But you can solve ship problems with land based hypersonic projectiles.
      Carriers are obsolete, other than as a sea based humanitarian aid platform.

  4. Submariners would say this is a picture of targets.

  5. USED to be ominous...today...not so much. It ain't the vessels- it's the sellouts, the new "breed".

    1. It's the vessels too. The poison is everywhere these days. It'll take a lot of fire to burn it all out.

  6. The age of power projection via carriers is over. Hypersonic missiles new game.

  7. targets in a future shooting gallery

  8. One Russian missile frigate (a fairly small ship) could take them all out from hundreds of miles away (beyond fighter range). Their weapons development progressed, ours was sidelined by greed and out sourcing. Hyper sonic's are a bitch, especially when you don't have any and you're on the receiving end.
