Sunday, July 21, 2024

Patriotic Duty Racing breaks offshore powerboat world record from San Francisco to Marina Del Rey


  1. In the early 1980s, someone sponsored a big money race from SF to LA. The race boats would make scheduled stops along the way.

    In a fog, one boat at full speed clipped a mooring buoy used for tankers. This was in Estero Bay, just north of Morro Bay. The boat had minor damage.

    The accident was rather fortuitous. The buoys were not too far off the beach. At 60+ mph, that boat would have been on the sand within seconds if not for that close call with the buoy.

    A following boat smashed its bow on one of the mooring buoys. I don't remember if it sank or was only swamped.

    That was the first and last race of that campaign. The planned races after that were all cancelled.

  2. I see the video mentions 1988. I said early 80s. Time flies, I guess.
