Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Inflation Illustrated



  1. She is kinda foxy… are those Kraco speakers in the back window!?!?

  2. This FOXY babe has been pumping gas all over the internet for years. Now she's a grandmother paying a lot more for gas. Someone has to know her, I would love to hear how she handles this notoriety.

  3. long,long,long,long, l o n g ago.

  4. Prices were 0.30 and 0.33 when I worked at in a foothill's Richfield station in high school. Much cheaper in the valley.

  5. Prices about what they were when I started driving in 1977. Yeah I am a grandpa now.

  6. I'm old enough to remember 25 cents a gallon. I could cruise in my '39 Ford all weekend on a buck's worth of gas. Good times! Of course I was probably only making a buck & a half an hour pumping the stuff!

    1. A 39 Ford will not get too far on 4 gallons of gas.

  7. That is over fifty some odd years ago when the means of trade still held value

  8. Gasoline prices might be difficult to pinpoint the year, but the jeans make it around 1977.

    1. Yes, and in about one year later gas went over $1.00. I remember being severely pissed off.

  9. Late 70s.

    And yes, she's on social security now.

  10. cleveland 1966 32/9

    1. That's how you know that was post-'73, when Greater Oilrabia jacked the prices.
      Before that the natl. avg. was about 38¢/gal.

  11. I remember being outraged when gas went to $.50 a gallon. And my dad telling me 'I'll never pay a dollar a pound for steak.' About now, that seems like I was in an alternate universe.

  12. Today that "Foxy" lady is somebody's grandmother.

  13. I remember when Unleaded became a 'thing' (1983 ish ?), the price of Unleaded gas was 28 cents a gallon, and Leaded was 33 cents a gallon. I was convinced my '76 pick-up Dodge Adventurer gas lines would become ruined with Unleaded and spent a couple years more using Leaded Gas. It never came to pass - i owned that pick-up from 1982 to 1998 with 330,000 miles on the odometer. It did need an overhaul by that time though.

    1. Back in the early to middle 90's, I worked for a company that was HQ-ed in the San Francisco Bay Area. About once a month, I would fly out to the home office for meetings, etc. When renting a car and having to fill it before turning it back in at the airport, I noticed that gas stations carried Leaded Gas. Why? Well, I was informed that the mild weather in the West Coast allowed older cars to exist and they ran on leaded gasoline.

  14. Our area had 'Gas Wars' during the late '60's and early '70's where you could find regular for 19 cents a gallon. I remember visiting my girlfriend 100+ miles away for less than $2.00 roundtrip in my '62 Olds.

  15. Hemricks is still open but the place looks different. Cast and Crew of Smokey and the Bandit were known to buy gas and snacks here during filming. Hemricks, 10 Franklin Rd, Newnan, GA

  16. I was lucky as a kid, paying $.25 a gallon for my 30hp Mercury on my boat.
    Seattle long-long-ago...Get a couple of pals who wanted to go for a boat ride, we could round up $2.00 for a day of fun!
