Thursday, July 25, 2024

Halberd of the Life Guard of Archbishop Wolf Dietrich from Salzburg, Austria dated to 1589 on display at the Salzburg Museum in Salzburg, Austria


Makes you want to shout, "Off with his head!"


  1. Very Klingon Empire.

  2. Very heavy as well, great inlay work.

  3. Strange weapon. I can see how excellent a weapon the pike was, but those halberds and similar axe/pike like weapons, they have some short comings used in formation foot infantry. For one thing is they seem too short, difficult to get a good hard swing going when bunched up shoulder to shoulder and faced up with pikes.
    Maybe they where first used against horse mounted enemy, for stabbing horses and riders and slashing bridles and saddle straps or something. They are a handsome looking weapon.

    1. They were specifically designed for use against cavalry. The hook was to pull the rider off the horse, the axe and the spear were used to open the rider’s armor after he was on the ground.
