Saturday, July 13, 2024



  1. As has a ft been said by others, ignore the first 24 hours of media reports.
    Tensions high in the country, a very divided constituency, a popular public figure, detestable upcoming election, I say the aforementioned advice is doubly so.

  2. I have had a recoilless rifle round go whizzing over my head to bounce off a T wall and land 5 feet from me. I was up in a full sprint to get to a bunker. This was at Salerno Afghanistan in 2009. Salerno was nick named Rocket City. I also had a rocket blow up my quarters when I was in the shower. I have had other close calls. You harden up to the point you feel invincible.

    Trump showed his metal. This time next week he will be up 5 more points in the polls.

    1. All the liberals who say Trump is a coward now know that even when hit by a bullet, he STANDS BACK UP to show he's still in the fight, not knowing if the shooter is still targeting him.

    2. In adversity character is revealed. Donald Trumps character was tested and shone bright and true.
      When he got up and his first instinct was to reassure his supporters and hurl defiance at our enemies.

      He is my President.

  3. God Bless President Trump and MAGA! I'm figuring lots of middle of the road people will see this assassination attempt for what it is. The loony left is the real threat to "Democracy".

  4. Truly shocking, the CIA used to be so much better at this sort of thing.
