Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Well, if you're gonna drive a bug, drive that bug



  1. Looks like a good car to have for the apocalypse provided it still has the air-cooled VW engine in it. Simple engine with points, condensor, and coil that is easy to push start.

  2. You would have to be 1/10 the size of a human to drive that.

  3. When I was stationed in Norfolk I put together about a dozen baja bugs. I got the kits for $150 including the headers and got the tires used from a place in Ocean View pretty cheap. I sold most of them to the Marines stationed at Cinclant. Fun times.

    Oh, and plenty of interior room Anon.

    1. The baja pictured is an RC car.

    2. Explains the $150 lot price, I guess.

  4. Had a buddy in the 70s that put big ol' tractor tires in the rear and left the front ones stock. He said it couldn't get stuck. Proved him wrong in a big mud field in the Bonne Carre spillway.
