Friday, August 30, 2024

May I take your hat, sir?


The depth of character here.  I'd buy her a drink and enjoy the conversation.


  1. Her depth looks too deep, I'll pass.

  2. Ben Franklin's letter revealed eight reasons why older women were preferable to younger ones when engaging in casual sex.

    First, older woman had more wordily knowledge than younger women. Hence, they were better conversationalists and companions.
    Older women may not be as attractive as younger ones but were much nicer to their partners. That happened, according to Franklin, because when a woman lost her looks, “she studies to be good,” is willing to do “a thousand and one favors,” and is “the most tender and useful of all friends when you are sick.”
    Since she was older, her partner didn’t have to worry about her becoming pregnant.
    Being more experienced, older women were also more discreet about their affairs than younger ones.
    Even though Franklin complained that the faces and necks of older women were more wrinkled than younger ones, that wasn't important. After all, he reminded his friend that the “lower parts continuing to the last as plump as ever . . . As in the dark all cats are grey, the pleasure of corporeal enjoyment with an old woman is at least equal and frequently superior” to that of younger women.
    Since she was no longer a virgin, her lover never had to worry about ruining her purity or reputation.
    Unlike younger, more demanding women, older ones were simply happy to have a lover.
    Best of all, Franklin gleefully wrote, “They are so grateful!”

    1. I am a bit confused by Ben Franklin's guidelines with regard to sex. Why the heck would you want a more proficient conversationalist when having sex? I want my sex partner to STFU and simply moan and groan.

    2. I can't speak for anyone else, but Franklin was a brilliant mind and much given to experiments and learned discourse. And after all in the course of an evening the actual "Act" is a brief episode. As for the moans and groans, he wasn't given to fiction.

  3. Looks like she was a maneater back in the day.

  4. Google says this lady is the actress Sarah Peirse from New Zealand. I had never heard of her before. She seems to be accomplished, if not famous.

  5. she appears to me to be mad as a hatter. looks can deceive though.

  6. We're all grown men ...did he fire five shots, or six?

  7. The old hook: They don't tell, they don't swell, and they sure appreciate it like hell...

  8. Not a chance senior homies. Marry young, learn and savor life together and have a partner that only gets better.

  9. Why is her hat on back'rds? ---------or is it?
