Friday, August 30, 2024

Everyone needs something like this in their backyard. Or two. Or three.



  1. I have several very similar, other than the fact that they NEVER have produced any fruit.

    1. Too old, past their time as fruit bearers.
      I live on a property that was a farm, in colonial times, the only trees still bearing fruit are walnut trees. The apples and pears no longer do. Occasionally a small hard fruit that not even the birds will eat.

  2. And the where with all to extend the life span of the bounty.

  3. I have 6 on my property.. they fruit heavily every other year. Feast or famine.

  4. The Bucks that frequent my place wish that tree was here. We have fruit trees, but they tend to clean them out rather quickly. They'd like that old bonus tree.

  5. I live in a typical older suburban house in a suburb of Kansas City. I have four apple trees that produce hundreds of apples every year. Thanks to the deer, squirrels, raccoons, and birds, I usually get ZERO apples.

  6. If you don't like wasps, don't sign up for this.

    Also, to the person above to said they stop bearing fruit, please be aware that unless you paid to have a 'seedless' variety planted, every dropped fruit has 8 viable seeds, and as long as Monsanto isn't involved, they're free.
