Wednesday, August 28, 2024




  1. Another one of Twain's observations... "It's far easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled." Apply that one to the moon landings, Vietnam, 9/11, Sandy Hook, covid 19, January 6th, October 9th, and voting, which Twain said, "if it made any difference they wouldn't let us do it."

    1. You have been fooled.

    2. Impressive list!
      Have you ever met a conspiracy theory that you didn't like?

    3. Also applies to anything the orange one says.

    4. Here's another quote for you... "I am a ‘conspiracy theorist’. I believe men and women of wealth and power conspire. If you don’t think so, then you are what is called ‘an idiot’. If you believe stuff but fear the label, you are what is called ‘a coward’.” - Cornell University professor Dave Callum

      What Dave is saying is OWN IT! Do you believe everything the government told you as in my list above? You're too stupid to live but they've got plans to take care of you for sure. Actually, I agree more with Gore Vidal and how he said it... "I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm a conspiracy analyst."

    5. A great comment Tom. The only problem is the majority of Americans are emotionally reacting, instant gratification motivated. The government and especially the Progressive wing know it and they're very good at using it to control people by manipulating their prejudices and elevating their fears.

    6. Where did you pick up all of these liberal readers, CDub? They're quite humorous! Or maybe you picked up some new Fed followers?

  2. My wife’s boyfriend says this a lot. He’s a smart bull and one reason my wife likes to date him. I ride with Harris.

    1. Had to read that a couple of times before I got it. It took remembering the video from the DNC to make it all click. :-)

  3. It also doesn't help if the truth is ACTIVELY kept from the fools, giving even those who might be open to some minor influx of logic, no chance to ever change.

  4. Big words for someone that seems to believe every lie Trump ever said.

    1. Go flip your soy burger

    2. Is it time past time for your pegging?

  5. Tom looks cross eyed at the soy-boys and they start cryin' and pissin'. LOL

    1. Heh. It's the truth.

    2. Ya know ghost... it's simply unAmerican to trust government.That's NOT how it all began! And unlike some of these pussies who've been commenting, I never got started trusting the freaks. What it boils down to is most folks need governing. Like a dog on a leash. They need to be led.

    3. If they need governing they need evicting.
      No room for nutless parasites.

  6. Serious question here - why do you all love Trump, a proven liar and felon?

    1. This is one of them retarded questions that must be answered with another question.

      Why do you ASSume anyone here "loves" trump?

  7. One of the reasons I don't allow 'Anonymous' on my tiny little blog, can't get a good shitposting going if you can't tell who's who.

  8. Don't try to put words of inspiration like this on your facebook page.....I immediately got "fact-checked" and was warned that Twain didn't say this.
    "Your post is missing context
    Your post contains the same information as a post checked by independent fact-checkers. It may have small differences.
    Independent fact-checkers at Reuters Fact Check say information in your post is missing context and could mislead people. We've added a notice to your post.
    People who repeatedly share false information might have their posts moved lower in News Feed so other people are less likely to see them." would the author of this piquant saying make any difference? It still rings true.

    1. Thanks Steve! Yet another reason to never do facebook... which is a disease I never contracted and will never touch. Your closing statement rings true indeed. If the quote is so undeniably true then who cares who said it?
