Thursday, August 29, 2024

This Sahara Railway Is One of the Most Extreme in the World. Looks like something out of Dune. Sand worms!


  1. Could've condensed that to under 3 minutes if it was about the railway. Not impressed.

    1. I think the 12 minutes for the video was adequate. It’s a good representation of how people live in this area. There’s no DEI or any of that nonsense there. Just survival.

  2. I enjoyed it. I wonder how do they ever find their boats in that huge mess and how do they get them out. I wonder how often does one of those two mile long trains come down the tracks. It said they carry 17,000 tons. That's 34 million pounds. Is it unreasonable to think that if they have that much iron ore maybe build a steel mill?
    Being a nomad Sounds kinda cool, but where they are Doing all that Nomaddin looks pretty damn harsh. Makes me think the places with stable populations must suck pretty bad or the nomad life wouldn't still be a thing.
    The guy who was hauling the box of fish, takes him 30 hours to make the trip, he makes about fifty bucks. Takes two days off, does it again. Fifty bucks must be worth a lot more there.
    Howcummizzit the wind doesn't pile sand over the tracks? That'd be a problem, wouldn't it?

    1. "GDP per Capita in Mauritania (with a population of 4,875,637 people) was $1,603 in 2022."

    2. who are you to tell others what to build??

  3. If I'm not mistaken, the diesel electric locomotive was an invention of the people of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

    1. Welp, I think you are mistaken.but I also think your comment was sarcasm. I am particularly fond of sarcasm.

    2. Sorry... missed the (sarc) LOL

  4. Lawrance of Arabia should make it go boom

  5. This railway was featured in the last episode of The Grand Tour
