Friday, August 30, 2024

Extra Power If Needed



  1. $549, down from $999. Somebody's figured out that this is just a hugely expensive battery..... Want a better choice? Get a smallish sine wave inverter, and use your car battery, or better a second battery, which can be recharged from the engine. A 1500 watt inverter -enough to run damn near anything - is $150 or so. A new, 100 AHr deep cycle battery, is about the same price - so for 300 bucks you have the equivalent system AND it's compatible with your vehicle.
    Or, of course, you can get a much better generator system for that same 500 bucks or so, and run it off a tank of propane. And that actually WILL be a decent home backup, unlike this one.

    1. What is not being said is that this unit can be plugged into the wall in your laundry room and ready to go at any second. Then, when the power goes out, you simply set it on the floor next to the fridge and plug it in to prevent your frozen grub from thawing. AND you can plug other things into it too.

      While a propane fired (5000kw+) generator is a potentially better choice, there are a lot of other things that must be taken into consideration.

      Do the homework, shop prices for the components, and set up your own multi-tiered system that you understand and can maintain over the long haul. Under estimate the "homework" part at your own peril.

  2. Anything based on the lithium battery has two major downbacks; it puts money in China's pocket, possesses a very limited lifespan (used or not).

  3. When I see a battery being called a "solar generator" I see a scam, it's not a generator.
    As a power station this is a fine idea especially is used like ghostsniper mentions above.
    As a plus I believe you can plug solar panels into it (those you can store in a closet) in case you are in a prolonged outage..
    If you get a Kill-a-watt meter you can see what your fridge uses in 24 hr and make an educated guess on how long 1002wh will power it.

    Kill-a-watt meter

  4. Limited time deal
    $549.00 with 45 percent savings-45% $549.00
    List Price: $999.00List Price: $999.00 🤣

  5. Just fyi; Solar panels need cleaning regularly to maintain efficiency. Mine need cleaning about every 2-3 weeks. Not hard but climbing on the roof in your 70s is iffy.

    1. I had solar panels outside, propped up to point at the sun by leaning them on a chair when I was traveling in a van.
      If I was getting a power station and some panels to keep around "just in case" (3 maybes in the Atlantic right now
      I'd keep the panels in the closet until needed. Keeping those clean was not a problem.
