Sunday, August 18, 2024

Very pleasing carving. I wish I had the skill to do something like that.



  1. If you don't start you'll never have.

    I assure you that the person that made that failed many times before they started getting it right.

    And I bet they can point out several errors on it that you just won't see.

    Get a piece of a round limb about 4"x4"x4" and a pocket knife and carve it into a cube.

    Then do it again, cept this time make it a sphere.

    You gotta start somewhere, so start simple.

  2. Start with a block of wood. Cut off everything that doesn't look like what you want.

  3. You can cut it to general shape with a bandsaw then refine it. Start with a simple shape like a fish.

  4. there's a lot of chainsaw carvers out in Oregon: some of them very good

  5. Everyone has their own gift. Mine don't run to artistic endeavours.

    Michael in Nelson

  6. There's an outfit in Washington State called 'Sea Bear Smokehouse' (excellent smoked and fresh fish, expensive too.) bet he could get a commission to carve 'em one to their specs.

  7. The skill can be acquired its the eye that eludes many of us.
