Sunday, August 18, 2024

The powerful Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp engine, used on the P-47



  1. Same engine used on the DC-6/C-118 & C-46. I’ve busted my knuckles on many of them.

    1. I haven't busted knuckles, but I have flown both those A/C in the '70s. Shows you how great an engine it was that it was still being used to make money over 30 years since it's first line use in WWII.

  2. Also, the Corsair, F6F Hellcat and a number of other war birds.

  3. "During durability testing of the C series R-2800 by Republic, it was decided to find out at what manifold pressure and carburetor temperature caused detonation. The technicians at Republic ran the engine at extreme boost pressures that produced 3,600 hp! But wait, it gets even more amazing. They ran it at 3,600 hp for 250 hours, without any failure! This was with common 100 octane avgas. No special fuels were used. Granted, the engines were largely used up but survived without a single component failure. Try this with Rolls Royce Merlin or Allison V-1710 and see what happens."

    From here--

    1. Uh yeah, but the Merlin displaces 1,650 cubic inches, the Allison 1,710 while the R2800 displaces 2,805. It's easy to make more power with 70% more displacement. The Rolls-Royce Griffon and Napier Sabre generate similar horsepower levels from less displacement.

    2. But all those non-R-2800 engines are far more subject to battle damage due to them being liquid-cooled.

  4. The Corsair would do a barrel roll if too much throttle was applied at low speeds. There was a lot of torque in that 2000 Hp engine.

  5. A lot of the 'bulk' of the P-47 was due to its turbo supercharger system that goes from the engine, under the pilot, to behind the pilot and back. Huge giant turbo supercharger.

  6. and it stopped bullets.
