Monday, August 12, 2024

The Nose Knows



  1. What kind of dog is that?

    1. not a dog ! had to shoot one last week after she kept trying to break into my house ! some people make "pets' out of them. I am not one of them.
      I remember what "coons" could do to hunting dogs as a kid.
      just better to shoot or trap them. but then you have to drop them off at least 50 miles away to get rid of them ! cheaper and easier just to shoot them. they will wreck your house worse than squirrels will !

  2. filthy trash panda... disgusting, vermin ridden. shoot on site and shoot again for spite.

  3. Put out a can of stinky cat food. Nail it to a 4X4 so they can't carry it away. Wait for them to come around. They will come around. The younger/smaller they are the less they will be able to resist easy food. Wait for them to turn sideways to you then shoot them in that big side. Don't kill them right off. Drill them in the side and they will run off. Self disposal. Works pretty good.
