Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sorta Cool



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for posting this, I didn't know they existed for that low of a price.

      Keep posting this sort of thing, and I don't give a shit if you make money off it or not, none of my bidnit.

      I hope it pisses that anon asshole off.

    2. Thanks, I appreciate the support. I do make a bit off it, enough to pay my internet bill, and I try to post for sale only stuff my readers might like. But, it the post is of no interest, I figure anyone can just scroll on! It's all just light entertainment in the end.

    3. Ya know, the way amazon reviews are now, they are almost worthless.

      If you post something here there is the chance that a reader has some experience with it and can offer some useful information, so a determination can be made as to whether to purchase it or not.

      And useful information is in short supply these days.

  2. New style nixie tubes? The NOS ones have that little pinched bit of glass at the top. And that sweet orange glow when they run, each number vibrating just a tiny bit.


    1. I followed the link: “imitation Nixie tubes”. You can find real ones on eBay. You can find Nixie tubes too.

      Drew 458

    2. "imitation". That is, not nixie tubes. which, btw, were horrible, just better than anything else available at the time.

  3. I used test equipment with nixie tubes for readout, on the frequency counter the last digit would scroll continuously.

  4. -10% $62.99
    List Price: $69.99List Price: $69.99 WTF is wrong with you????

  5. Just the thing for any Steampunk Mad Scientist's laboratory!
