Friday, August 16, 2024

Searching for The Garden of Eden's Pishon River


  1. This is really silly. I'm pretty sure that the world was so radically rearranged during and after Noah's flood, that looking for antediluvian landmarks is a complete waste of time and effort.
    - macxcool

    1. Also agree. Check out the hydroplate theory, Dr Walt Brown. A whole book online. The earth was utterly changed.

  2. There is a History series on u toob called Drain the Ocean that shows what shipwrecks would look like without the water. It's very interesting and informative. This is similar except the water has already been removed. Satellite images have pointed to new ruins, old waterways etc. You don't know what you'll find if you don't look.

  3. While he gives a good account of being the 'intrepid explorer', it's really more like he read the geologist's treatise on an ancient river bed complex, and then tried to tie it to a biblical story. Should have been a 5 minute video, max.
