Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Rescue on the Way



  1. Rushing to pick up more illegals

  2. Hope they got a bungee cord on the coffee pot.

  3. I remember when our cabin cruiser came down like that and it wasn't a soft landing.

  4. Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'.

  5. Australia has some heavy river bar crossings. America west coast gets treacherous. Very exciting at times.

  6. Pilot boat, Colombia River bar west of Portland Oregon.

  7. RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institute) Severn class. Self-righting with a bow-thruster and 'tunnelled' propellers. The Canadian Coast Guard is having a stretched version built for the Atlantic coast.

  8. About thirty years ago or so I was fishing for stripers at the mouth of a very large northeast river. The weather was bad, heavy rain and a steady wind off the water.

    Tide had turned and was running out fast. A line of four or five standing waves were developing, the tops about 20 feet apart. I heard a boat coming downriver. Turned to look and it's a coast guard boat much like the one in the gif and it was haulin' ass. I figured there must have been some other boat in trouble out past the mouth.

    The boat driver flew across the tops of those standing waves like a stone skipping on water and headed out to sea. After about five minutes I heard it coming back. The boat didn't skip this time. It pounded through spraying water much like the gif. Must have been a hellofa ride. I figured that must have been a training ride for the crew learning how to handle rough seas at speed.


  9. Yes, on their way to provide a taxi service to illegal immigrants.
