Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I'm back


From some surgery.  I invited, and a doctor graciously agreed, to pop me open and rummage about in my innards yesterday.

A while back I had some folk clear out a brushy area near my house for fire prevention.  While doing that they found some old tires and rims the previous owner had dumped there, and they helpfully stacked them up for me.

Eventually - like a year - later, I'd finally lost patience looking at those ugly things and went out to load them up and take them to the dump.  One rim had somehow welded itself to the ground, and after fighting and grunting with it to get it up, I resorted to using a digging bar to get some leverage.  Another tire on the rim had filled with water and was insanely heavy, 

I got 'er done, and the tires/rims went off to the dump, but in the process I gave myself an umbilical hernia.  

Got it repaired yesterday.  They do it with an arthroscope.  No big incision.  Everyone was super friendly at the hospital.  I had some fun counting up and  comparing scars with one of the tech guys.  The operating room was awesome - I should have gone into medicine, what a cool place to work.

Coming out of anesthesia was unpleasant, but I went home the same day.  And now I'm back here, happily.

Once again, it appears I'll live.


  1. Same here. Had a medication caused seizure and the convulsions ripped open an ancipient umbillical hernia. The did robotic surgery to fix which I have to say greatly reduces trauma. I was up and around not too long after.

  2. I'm envious. Got a problem, go and get it done. Slam bang.
    I'm waiting for four months to get the first of two total knee replacements, seems thats the wait time here in the NE. Hasn't been even a full month of bone on bone waiting.

    1. Four months? Piece of cake. Be glad you’re not a victim of the “free” Canadian healthcare system so adored by your Demoncrats where your wait to see a specialist will be close to a year. Then you’ll wait for the surgery just as long.

  3. So happy to hear your surgical procedure went well! You need to leave that heavy lifting to the young bucks though! Heal well, and quickly!

  4. Have an easy recovery!
    Growing old isn’t for the faint of heart.

  5. Glad it went well. Rest and recover.

  6. Hope you are doing well. I couldn't pee after mine and had to go to the ER for a catheter. Fun times.

    1. OK, that convinced me. I'm NOT getting mine repaired.

  7. Glad to hear you’re doing well and that’s behind you.

  8. Unbiblical hernias suck. Glad it's a relatively easy repair.

    "Coming out of anesthesia." I had a hernia repaired recently. Told the anesthesiologist I previously had nausea issues. Regardless, his report said I had had had none (wrong)...and I vomited twelve times through the course of the day afterwards, ultimately having to call the doctor and get a prescription. No fun after abdominal surgery.

    Next surgery btw I stressed to the anesthesiologist that I had issues, she gave me a cocktail of meds before hand, and I had NO issues afterwards. Thank God for competent docs who listen!

  9. How strange! I had hernia surgery yesterday as well. It must be the age/time/season or whatever. Glad you're doing well, CW, and thanks for all you do!

    1. Same to you! We should be back in action soon, though no lifting for two weeks, I was told.

    2. Duelling sutures banjo music in the background.... Get well soon, uneventfully !

  10. Get well soon, your website is my first stop everyday.
    I've had an inguinal hernia for 23 years. Didn't have insurance and heard stories about ridiculous hospital bills. Then they've been running those ads about botched mesh surgery for about 10 years. And don't forget how much obozocare helped the healthcare system.

    1. I got a mesh, and my doc was a tough as nails, no nonsense guy about my age. Those are the ones you want to use if they're gonna cut on you.

  11. CW, Glad to hear you got your hernia repaired and are doing OK. I hope this procedure won't inhibit your intake of spicy foods and alcoholic beverages.

    1. I barfed up some apple juice last night, but ate eggs and toast this morning with no problem. The alcohol and spicy foods will follow, probably tomorrow if Mrs. CW doesn't see me do it.

  12. Another "me, too." I got mine loading a rifle in a case into my car for a trip to the club. Back in '17. Those things are annoying because coughing makes it hurt as well as almost everything.

    1. Oops - bumped the mouse. Hope the healing goes well and you're back to "good as old" (before it all started) soon.

  13. Marco missed your absence. He hopes you get some good treats to make your boo-boo better.

  14. Happy you are OK. I have an incisional hernia from the hole in my abdomen where they ran one of the drainage tubes during my open heart surgery. The hole in the muscle never healed and now my innards pop up out of the hole once in awhile. Doc said surgery isn’t necessary as long as it doesn’t bother me.

  15. Glad to hear your procedure went well. I hope your recovery goes well. Try and not repeat the process, a lot of guys (myself included) will do something crazy and re-injure ourselves.

  16. Glad your 'coming out party' has been an easy fix.

    Michael in Nelson

  17. Unexpected surgery is not pleasant, good to know you are still with us.

  18. Had an umbilical hernia 20 years ago. No mesh. Had an 80 year old doctor who operated in his office. Had an inguinal hernia in '22. Again, no mesh. Different doctor. The first one died of old age. The second doctor is in Ft. Myers, FL. Doesn't take insurance or Medicare. Paid out of pocket $4400 out-patient. Never been happier. Never felt better.

  19. BTDT - My inny became an outy that became an inny again. Take it easy for a few days young man

  20. Please review the "pop-out" scene from Alien prior to your next feat of power lifting. I moved a treadmill down two flights of stairs when I should have thrown the fucking thing out the window. Never lift when angry - that's how I got my umbilical hernia.

    Glad you're on the mend.

  21. Glad it went well! I've had mine sine 2016. Should probably do something about it.

  22. I would recommend this:

  23. Congrats. Never miss your posts.

  24. Are you kidding me? I build hospitals for a major healthcare provider. So fucked up. Please. Glad you had a great outcome.
