Monday, January 1, 2018

Starting the new year with some class

Imagine you are Eleanor Powell and you're told to do this number, and your partner is Fred Astaire.  Be sure to keep up with him!

Now, keep up with him in heels!  And make it look effortless.

Finally, a mash up with a modern tune.  Rita Hayworth, oh yeah!  She always looks like she's truly enjoying every second.


  1. "Old school" was elegant, but it's been replaced by the crude modern world.

  2. They don`t make like they used to.

  3. I just love those dance numbers! Always felt sorry for Fred in one way though- even when he was pretty young, he looked like an old man. Didn't dance like one though!

    I still think the dresses the women wore back then were so much sexier than today's show-it-all attire. What gorgeous creatures they were, dressed all in their finery!

  4. And they always done with one "take" - that's how good they were! Happy New Year, CW!

    1. I hear tell that Astaire was a perfectionist and demanded that they practice over and over until it was perfect. Say what you want about that, but it resulted in some unbelievably good numbers.

      Happy New Year to you too! It's gonna be a great one, I can feel it!

    2. But remember, his partner had to do everything he did, only backwards and in high heels.

  5. Uhh...

    That's Ginger Rogers, also wonderful.
