Monday, January 29, 2018

Lions, historic vs. current


  1. Actually the fossil record shows lions roamed the entire Eurasian land mass until around 3000 years ago. The Romans wiped out the last of the European lions sometime around the first or second century AD. There are still sporadic unconfirmed reports of small prides in isolated parts of central Asia and Siberia. But we live in a time where not having a photo on the interwebs means something isn't really there.---Ray

    1. A while back there was a grainy video taken by a Russian mining engineer of what was reported to be a mammoth crossing a river deep in wildest Siberia.

    2. There are jaguars in Arizona - both in the south of the state and up in the Mogollon Rim area. I've seen photos taken by locals with Go Pro cameras that trigger at night at water sources. You don't see them often, but they show up and they're clearly jaguars.

      I don't know about lions, though, because they primarily live on savanna's and are far easier to spot and account for.

  2. There needs to be a small blue dot in southern Afghanistan near the Pakistani border near western Waristan providence. We saw one while on patrol in 2009. It scared the crap out of most of us.

    1. I can only imagine - bet you wanted a bigger gun than an M4!!

  3. would want more firepower than an M4 in any case. barbie guns. three rounds of 5.56 to do the work of one .30cal. stupid accountants.
